Businesses to achieve "a cheerful society"

By leveraging the power of chemistry, Taiyo Holdings Group are promoting
various business activities including those for Medical and Pharmaceuticals,
ICT and Sustainability, in addition to Electronics.

<span class="tit">ELECTRONICS</span><span></span>
Manufacturing and sales of
chemical products for
the electronics industry

Manufacturing and sales of
chemical products for
the electronics industry

<span class="tit">MEDICAL</span><br><span class="tit">AND</span><br><span class="tit">PHARMA-</span><br><span class="tit">CEUTICALS</span><span></span>
Development, manufacturing,
and marketing of medical pharmaceuticals

Development, manufacturing,
and marketing of medical pharmaceuticals

ENERGYICT and Sustainability
<span class="tit">ENERGY</span><span>ICT and Sustainability</span>
ICT and Sustainability
and initiatives to address
environmental issues

ICT and Sustainability
and initiatives to address
environmental issues

FOODICT and Sustainability
<span class="tit">FOOD</span><span>ICT and Sustainability</span>
Plant factories and
applications for insect
feed to address food shortages

Plant factories and
applications for insect
feed to address food shortages