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ICT and Sustainability

ICT and Sustainability has created new businesses in a wide range of fields, such as the ICT Business, which supports the Taiyo Group, and customers in the digital field, the Fine Chemicals Business, which engages in contract development of synthesized chemicals, the Energy Business, which promotes the use of renewable energy, and the Food Business, which operates plant factories.

Business domain

ICT business

As industrial structures and business models evolve at an unprecedented pace due to rapid advancements in IoT, big data, AI, and other IT technologies, digitalization is becoming an important issue in the management of every company. The digitalization business will not only make it possible to transform the IT systems of our company and increase the speed at which we build new systems; it will also play a core role in the digitalization of services and other aspects of our business that we need to achieve sustainable growth as the comprehensive chemical company we aspire to become.

ICT business

Group company information

  • Name
    funlead corp.
  • Head Office
    15F, Metropolitan Plaza Bldg., 1-11-1 Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171-0021, Japan
  • Established
    March 26, 2013
  • Capital
    JPY 80,000,000

funlead Corporate Website

Business domain

Fine Chemicals

Taiyo Fine Chemicals began manufacturing dyes and pigments in 1941. Since then, the company has continued to provide products to meet market demands and the needs of our customers. These products include functional pigments, dyes, pharmaceuticals, special products, and agricultural chemical intermediates.
The company became and Group member in 2015, and strives to be a chemical expert that is always one step ahead of market needs. We manufacture and sell dyes, and also engaged in contracted manufacturing and sales of intermediates such as functional dyes, halogen compounds, and agrochemicals.

Fine Chemicals

Group company information

  • Name
    TAIYO Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd.
  • Head Office
    35-3 Akaizawa, Nihonmatsu-shi, Fukushima 964-0982, Japan
  • Established
    September 18, 1941
  • Capital
    JPY 49,500,000

TAIYO Fine Chemicals Corporate Website

Business domain

Energy business

Since 2014, Taiyo Green Energy, which we originally founded as a management company for our solar power business, has been producing electricity using natural energy and is engaged in electricity sales and provision.
We have advanced the development of floating mega-solar power plants, which do not use land and require little development.
Water-based solar power plants are efficient thanks to the surface of the water, which acts to cool the solar panels. Water-based solar is also beneficial because leasing water sources provides income to the municipalities and farm operators that own those sources.

Energy business

Business domain

Cultivation and sales business

To pursue farming methods that enable stable production of high-quality food regardless of environmental conditions, we started with research and production of leafy vegetables in a completely enclosed plant factory that uses all artificial light.
We apply advanced IT to cultivate high-quality strawberries and are engaged in the research and production of melons based on hydroponics.

Group company information

  • Name
  • Head Office
    388 Ohkura, Ranzan-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama 355-0222, Japan
  • Established
    December 1, 2014
  • Capital
    JPY 10,000,000

TAIYO GREEN ENERGY Corporate Website

Business domain

Food service business

One of our initiatives aimed at increasing employee satisfaction was to create "unbelievable" employee cafeterias. Since 2014, we have engaged in the internal planning and development of employee cafeterias at Group companies in Japan.
We focus on high quality, from interior design to food ingredients and contribute to local production, local consumption, and local employment.
Hoping to share popular menu items from our employee cafeteria with people outside the company, we developed the Ekimae Ranzan Shokudo. In 2019, we opened this cafeteria in Ranzan-machi, Saitama Prefecture, which is home to one of our major factories.
In addition to dining, we also regularly sponsor Kodomo-Shokudo (children's cafeteria) to provide pleasant food experiences to lots of children.

Food service business

Group company information

  • Name
    Ranzan Shokudo Co., Ltd.
  • Head Office
    16F, Metropolitan Plaza Bldg., 1-11-1 Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
    171-0021, Japan
  • Established
    November 1, 2018