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Outside Evaluations, etc.


JPX-Nikkei Index 400

JPX-Nikkei Index 400

The JPX-Nikkei Index 400 is composed of companies with high appeal for investors, which meet requirements of global investment standards, such as efficient use of capital and investor-focused management perspectives. The index is jointly calculated and published by JPX Market Innovation & Research and Nikkei. Taiyo Holdings has been continuously selected since fiscal 2023.

MSCI Japan Empowering Women (WIN) Select Index

MSCI Japan Empowering Women (WIN) Select Index

Index by U.S.-based MSCI. Companies with outstanding for empowering women and promoting gender diversity assessments are selected from among the MSCI Japan IMI Top 700 Index. Taiyo Holdings has been continuously selected for the index since 2020.

  Neither the inclusion of Taiyo Holdings in the MSCI Index nor the use of the MSCI logo, trademarks, or index name imply funding, endorsement, or sales promotion by MSCI or its subsidiaries and affiliates for Taiyo Holdings. MSCI owns the MSCI Index solely and exclusively. The MSCI, the MSCI Index names, and logos are trademarks of MSCI or its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Evaluations, etc.

CDP Climate

A non-governmental organization based in the United Kingdom that works on climate change and other environmental areas. It conducts surveys and evaluations of major companies and cities around the world, asking them to disclose information on their efforts to combat climate change, protect water resources, and conserve forests. We responded to the CDP 2023 Climate Change Questionnaire and received a B score for our climate change initiatives and disclosures.

CDP Climate

Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization in 2024

A certification system under which the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) awards corporations that strategically implement initiatives that lead to the maintenance and promotion of good health. Taiyo Pharma Tech, a member of our group, has been awarded continuously since 2022 (in the small- and medium-sized corporation category).

Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization in 2023


A certification system by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to certify companies that meet certain standards and have an excellent status regarding the promotion of women's activities, based on the Law for the Promotion of Women's Activities. Taiyo Pharma Tech, a member of our group, has acquired the highest level of Eruvoshi, "3", from 2023.
