Taiyo Holdings adopted the "Strengthening of Efforts for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" as one of our basic policies under "Beyond Imagination 2030" Long-Term Management Plan as well, Taiyo Holdings has been actively engaging in efforts for sustainability, one of which is the commencement of its Floating Solar Power Business in 2014. Climate change measures are a key social issue facing global society and constitute a priority management challenge for Taiyo Holdings. For that reason, we have declared our support for TCFD * Recommendations in March 2022, and We are promoting information disclosure based on the TCFD recommendations. In line with the framework of the TCFD recommendations, we will continue to assess the impact of climate change risks and opportunities on our business and promote measures to reduce these risks and seize opportunities, thereby proactively addressing climate change through our businesses.
* A task force for considering corporate information disclosure related to climate change and the response of financial institutions that were established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) at the request of the G20.
In November 2022, we established a Sustainability Promotion Committee chaired by our Representative Director and President. The Sustainability Promotion Committee deliberates and decides on important matters related to climate change, then makes recommendations to executing departments and subsidiaries. It receives recommendations on important matters from the Board of Directors regularly.
Executing departments respond to the climate change risks identified and assessed by the Sustainability Promotion Committee. The Committee and the Board of Directors then continue to manage and monitor that response.
We are analyzing the 1.5°C and 4°C climate change scenarios to identify risks and opportunities with reference to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the World Energy Outlook of the International Energy Agency (IEA). Based on this analysis, the group will reduce risk and pursue opportunities in its business activities while developing products that contribute to solutions for social issues.
Opportunity Case 1 Advancing Development of solder resist (SR) for electrification and electrification of automobiles
With the electrification and electrification of automobiles due to the spread of next-generation mobility, the substrate area used per automobile is expected to increase by approximately 2.6 times from the 2020 level by 2035. We see this increase in solder resist, known as solder mask, used in conjunction with this increase in substrate area as an opportunity for our business and will strive to promote further development.
Automotive Substrates: Projected Sales Quantities*
* From “General Survey on Car-Mounted Electronic Devices & Components 2022” by Fuji Chimera Research Institute
(Figures for 2020 are actual values. Figures for 2025, 2030 and 2025 are projected values.)
Opportunity Case 2 Advancing Development of Inkjet Solder Resist (SR)
The entire substrate is coated with alkaline photo-imageable Solder resist (SR), also known as Solder Mask, after which the circuit pattern is formed by a process of exposure/development in which it is removed from areas in which it is not needed. In inkjet SR, the circuit pattern can be formed by applying it through the inkjet printing process only where it is needed. This makes it possible to greatly simplify the customer’s process, reducing circuit board production costs and environmental impact, compared to alkaline photo-imageable SR. The Group decided to use this process on automotive circuit boards for customers and has begun mass production. In addition to SR applications, we are also moving forward with developing products adapted to inkjet printing methods in a diverse range of applications, such as marking inks, plating resists, etching resists, and display-related materials.
Our Group targets more significant CO2 emission reductions than before, intending to achieve carbon neutrality by the 2050 target year the Japanese government sets. By the fiscal year ending March 31, 2031, we aim to reduce total Group CO2 emissions by 40% compared to the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017. We also aim to achieve carbon neutrality in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2031, in the Electronics Business in Japan and to reduce emissions by 70% in the Medical and Pharmaceutical Business in Japan to achieve carbon neutrality for the entire Group by 2050. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, Taiyo Pharma Tech replaced its air-conditioning equipment with an alternative system that reduces CO2 more efficiently. In June 2023, Taiyo Ink Mfg. installed solar electric generation panels that are thinner than ordinary panels on the roof of the plant's roof at its head office to start power generation. Moving forward, we will reach our targets for CO2 reduction by working proactively to increase the efficiency of existing facilities while introducing renewable energy throughout the Group.
We will promote the reduction of CO2 emissions and aim to reach our targets through measures that leverage the strengths of Taiyo Holdings, including our solar power generation business.
Going forward, Taiyo Holdings will continue to position the realization of a decarbonized society as a priority challenge and enhance its disclosure of information while simultaneously conducting business activities with a greater level of environmental consideration. In doing so, it will work towards making the realization of a sustainable society.
Image representation of reductions in CO2 emissions with a view to 2030 (Scope 1,2)
The Company received a B score in CDP's 2023 Climate Change Survey for its efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and its disclosure of such information.
As outlined below in our basic philosophy, we endeavor to protect the environment as part of the performance of our social responsibility, and are involved in a number of environmental protection initiatives, including expanding our lineup of environmentally-friendly products, conserving resources, and striving for energy efficiency.
Basic Environmental Philosophy
We will endeavor to protect the environment as part of the performance of our social responsibility, and will engage in budiness activities that are in harmony with the environment.
Environmental Policy
1. Environmental Protection
We will promote environmental protection activities through our environmental management system.
2. Continuous Improvement
We will continually improve our environmental management system through the implementation of management reviews.
3. Pollution Prevention
We will endeavor to prevent environmental pollution through the establishment of voluntary standards, in addition to observing environment-related laws and regulations, and agreements with the community.
4. Reduced Environmental Footprint
We will reduce our environmental footprint, establishing targets in relation to relevant environmental issues and always considering the impact our operations exert on the environment.
5. Priority Environmental Initiatives
Our priority environmental initiatives are as follows:
Facility | Description of Business | Certification (Original Registration Date) |
TAIYO INK MFG. CO., LTD. Head office |
Production and marketing | ISO 14001:2015 (Jan. 2000) |
TAIYO INK MFG. CO., LTD. Kitakyushu Plant |
Production and marketing | ISO 14001:2015 (Jan. 2016) |
TAIYO Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. | Production and marketing | ISO 14001:2015 (Sep. 2008) |
TAIYO Pharma Tech Co., Ltd. | Production and marketing | ISO 14001:2015 (Jan. 1998) |
TAIYO INK MFG. CO., (KOREA) LTD. | Production and marketing | ISO 14001:2015 (Dec. 2001) |
TAIYO INK (SUZHOU) CO., LTD. | Production and marketing | ISO 14001:2015 (Aug. 2004) |
ONSTATIC INK (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD. | Production and marketing | ISO 14001:2015 (Jun. 2018) |
TAIWAN TAIYO INK CO.,LTD. | Production and marketing | ISO 14001:2015 (Jan. 2022) |