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Management Policy

Basic Management Policies

TAIYO HOLDINGS CO., LTD. ("we" or "our") has identified its objectives as a corporate group in the Management Philosophy and Basic Management Policy below. The Group will develop by continuing the spirit of our management philosophy without changes and reviewing our basic management policy to match changes in the environment and strategy on a long-term basis.

Management Philosophy

We will realize "a pleasant society" by further advancing "every technology" the Group has and creating a wide range of products to help fulfill the dreams for the whole world with our innovative products.

Basic Management Policy

1 We will generate revenue and increase corporate value, thereby contributing to the well-being and prosperity of customers, communities, shareholders, and employees.

2 We will discharge our corporate social responsibility with regard to the achievement of our management philosophy, including complying with the law, protecting the environment, ensuring thorough quality management, and contributing to society.

3 We will leverage our global system to always provide superior products and services.

4 We will constantly create opportunities for employees to challenge and develop themselves, aiming to have a corporate group composed of people who are highly motivated to be successful and to achieve goals set by themselves.

5 We will increase our comprehensive corporate strengths by maximizing cooperation between the Group companies and strengthen the teamwork of all employees with emphasis on "speed and communication."

6 We aim to have a group of global companies able to contribute to the realization of a pleasant society by constantly working for technological innovation and creating new products and businesses.

Reasons and background for formulating the long-term management plan

In June 2017, we had announced “Next Stage 2020”, our medium-term management plan up to the fiscal year ending March 2020 and since then in order to make a leap forward to become a comprehensive chemical company set forth in the policy, we actively launched the medical and pharmaceuticals business as the second pillar of business of our company and achieved great growth. Regarding the numerical targets, we achieved the goals of maintaining DOE (Dividend on Equity Ratio) of 5% or higher and achieving a record high operating income. Although the company-wide goal of reaching 20% or higher for operating income margin was not achieved due to large-scale M&A in the medical and pharmaceuticals business, it was achieved in the electronics business. Also, although the goal of reaching 11% for ROE was delayed by a year, we were able to achieve it in the fiscal year ending March 2021.
The environment surrounding us is changing rapidly due to pandemics, climate change, and the evolution of technology. However, even in such an unpredictable environment, we will continue to carry out our corporate activities with the same goal in mind: realizing a cheerful society. We have formulated the long-term management plan “Beyond Imagination 2030" contemplating that management from a long-term perspective will become more important without falling at the mercy of short-term changes.

Basic Policy

1 Develop and utilize self-sufficient personnel capable of acting independently, who respond to diversifying organizations and societies

2 Achieve continuous growth and explore new business areas in the electronics business

3 Grow the medical and pharmaceuticals business further

4 Transform and evolve through digital transformation

5 Create new businesses

6 Execute strategic M&A

7 Strengthen efforts for SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

2030 What we are aiming for

By 2030, with the evolution of technology, thoughts on the environment, and various initiatives around the world, a future will unfold that is beyond our imagination. We want to be a company that creates a wide range of innovative products to fulfill the dreams for such a future. Our self-sufficient personnel will further develop our core businesses of electronics, medical and pharmaceutical business, while continuing to work on our en ergy business and food business, even in such a dynamic environment. We will also actively explore new businesses.

Electronics Business

We aim to increase our market share for solder resist and to cr eate new businesses that will be the new pillar of profit following solder resist for other electronic materials business in 3 ways mainly - by strengthening the existing solder resist business (existing customers x existing technology), accelerati ng the continuous launch of new products (existing customers x new technologies), and promoting application develo pment (new customers x existing technologies).

Medical and Pharmaceuticals Business

The medical and pharmaceuticals business has grown as the secon d pillar of our company. In addition to the stable continuation of our pharmaceuticals manufacturing and sales bus iness, we will not only strengthen our domestic plants but also expand our business to overseas plants in the contract ed manufacturing business to provide high-quality products. In addition, we aim to further leap forward by expanding from a contract manufacturing organization (CMO) to contract development manufacturing organization (CDMO) by including drug development, and by the global expansion of CDMO in the fields of regenerative therapy and gene therapy.

Energy and Food Business

In the energy business, we are operating the domestic electroni cs materials business on 100% renewable energy, and in the future, we will further promote our efforts to reach 100% global ly. In the food business, anticipating the future food crisis, we will continue to carry out research and development.

Other Businesses

We will also actively wor k to create new businesses. In al l businesses, we wil l promote digital transformation (DX) through system development companies under the group and commercialize smart factory tools created from in-house DX as new products.

SDGs and our efforts

Since our founding in September 1953, our Group has developed with the trust of many stakeholders including shareholders, customers, business partners, and local communities. These efforts lead to the achievement of the “Sustainable Development Goals", and we will actively promote activities in the “Beyond Imagination 2030" as well. Based on our management philosophy “To achieve a cheerful society by further advancing every technology in our group and by creating a wide range of innovative products to fulfill the dreams of the world.” , we will promote the creation of the foundation for industrial and technological innovati on. We will continue our act ivities not only through the electronics business, but also through the medical and pharmaceuticals business and the floating solar power plants business, and as a company for a sustainable society.

2030 Targets

ROE 18%

DOE 5%

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