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Sustainability Management

Our Approach to Sustainability Management

Basic Policies of the Long-Term Management

As part of our long-term management concept, "Beyond Imagination 2030," we have set strengthening our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as one of our basic policies, and we have been actively working on sustainability initiatives for a long time.

CSR Basic Philosophy

Since its establishment in September 1953, Taiyo Holdings has continued to grow thanks to the trust placed in it by the stakeholders, including its shareholders, customers, and business partners. In order to continue to respond to that trust and grow together, all directors and employees of Taiyo Group will fulfill our corporate social responsibilities by taking a consistently forward-looking approach to business activities and observing ethics and laws. In order to fulfill these responsibilities, Taiyo Group has established a corporate CSR Philosophy and a Code of Conduct. It is involved in various CSR activities through its CSR organization, which comprises various management systems and committees. The directors and employees of Taiyo Group will strive to create a company that is trusted by society and is actively involved in CSR activities.

CSR Philosophy

We will discharge our corporate social responsibility, including complying with the law, protecting the environment, ensuring thorough quality management, and contributing to society.

Code of Conduct

In order to put our CSR Philosophy into practice, Taiyo Group will abide by the following items:

1. Ethical and Legal Compliance
We will observe laws and other social norms, and understanding the spirit thereof, will act openly and fairly.
2. Workplace Environment
We will respect employees' human rights, and create a workplace that is fair and free of discrimination.
3. Fair Business Dealings
We will deal with all our business partners in an honest manner and conduct business with them based on impartial and fair business conditions.
4. Respect for Stakeholders
We will always conduct business activities with respect for the viewpoints of all our stakeholders, and disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner.
5. Ensuring Confidentiality
We will work to ensure the protection of confidential information related to our business partners, the company itself, and any individual.
6. Ensuring Quality (Quality Policy)
We will ensure that we always provide safe, quality products that satisfy our customers.
7. Protecting the Environment (Basic Environmental Philosophy)
We will endeavor to protect the environment as part of the performance of our social responsibility, and will engage in business activities that are in harmony with the environment.
8. Ensuring Information Security (Basic Information Security Philosophy)
In the interests of customer trust and satisfaction, we will work to maintain or improve the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all our information assets.
9. Social Contributions
As members of society, we will engage in activities that contribute to society.
10. Protecting Intellectual Property
We will take appropriate precautions to protect Taiyo Group's intellectual property rights, and those of third parties.
11. Exclusion of Anti-social Forces
We will take a resolute stance towards anti-social forces and will not respond in any way to illegal or improper demands.


Compliance Activities

Taiyo Holdings Group established its compliance promotion structure in 2003 and, since then, has continued to educate employees on ethical values and foster knowledge of laws and regulations by preparing the Compliance Manual and other related regulations and establishing guidelines. In addition, we have established an internal reporting system (hotline) in line with legal requirements and are also promoting initiatives against antisocial forces in order to maintain and improve public trust and encourage sound business practices. Within our portal site, we have established. We operate a site specializing in compliance and broadly share these activities with all employees. We distribute educational materials and information and provide training materials related to compliance through this website as we make progress in creating a structure that enables all employees to participate in compliance activities with more familiarity.

Compliance Training

Taiyo Holdings Group provides continuous employee compliance training to promote understanding of the risk factors at the individual level and the spirit of compliance with ethics and laws during the course of business activities. In the FY 2023, in addition to the compliance training for new employees, which is conducted yearly, we conducted harassment training for managers. Moving forward, we will work to improve our educational and awareness-raising activities in ways that lead to the practical application of compliance education in our work, leading to better business results and creating a motivating work atmosphere.


The Group provides continuous employee compliance training to promote understanding of the risk factors at the individual level and the spirit of compliance with ethics and laws during the course of business activities. In the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023, in addition to the compliance training for new employees, which is conducted yearly, the Company conducted harassment training for managers. Moving forward, we will work to improve our educational and awareness-raising activities in ways that lead to the practical application of compliance education in our work, leading to better business results and creating a motivating work atmosphere.

Risk Management

Taiyo Holdings Group's wide-ranging business fields include electronics, medical and pharmaceuticals, ICT, fine chemicals, energy, and food, and we are also advancing business operations overseas. To accomplish this, we perform risk management for each operational business department in which we identify, analyze, and evaluate the risks that exist at the various stages, from the company-wide level to the business processes level. Information, including progress in the state of risk management at each business department, is reported to the responsible director, and we have built a system by which the appropriate measures are taken promptly. In the event of an emergency, the Company ensures prompt reporting, information sharing, and implementation of countermeasures in accordance with the Risk Management System and Escalation Flow, and if necessary, establishes an Emergency Response Division to minimize damage (loss). For risks reported from each business site, risk items that are expected to seriously impact company management are reported to the Board of Directors for deliberation.

Information Security Initiatives

We use numerous information assets in our business activities. Handling these information assets appropriately is essential to winning the trust and satisfaction of customers. Accordingly, we commit ourselves to 1. developing effective structures for managing information security, 2. complying with laws, regulations, and our own standards, and 3. gaining the trust of customers and society as a whole. To guide us in these efforts, we have set forth the following basic philosophy and basic policies concerning information security.

Basic Information Security Philosophy

In the interests of customer trust and satisfaction, we will work to maintain or improve the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all our information assets.

Basic Information Security Policies

1. Scope
These basic policies concern the way we protect the information assets that we use in our day to day operations.
2. Information security management
We will develop structures for managing information security. These structures will enable a unified and consistent approach.
3. Managing information security risks
We will assess information security risks regularly and in a manner befitting the scale and nature of our business activities. Based on these assessments, we will take all necessary and reasonable steps to manage the risks.
4. Checking and improving
We will regularly monitor our organization’s information security practices to check whether our policies are working effectively. In this way, we will continually refine the way we manage information security.
5. Compliance
We will comply with all information security-related stipulations in:
-National guidelines and standards
-Internal rules and industry guidelines
-Business contracts
6. Education and training
We will continually educate our staff about the information security policies and relevant protocols, and ensure that they understand how important these matters are. In this way, we will ensure that our staff handle information assets properly.
7. Responding to information security incidents
While doing all we can to prevent information security incidents from happening in the first place, we will also prepare for the worst-case scenario. If trouble arises, we will immediately take corrective measures, minimize any damage, and work to prevent a recurrence.
8. Punishing breaches
If we discover any breach of these policies or of any other internal rules concerning information security, we will punish the offender according to our employment rules or the relevant contract.

JIS Q 27001:2023(ISO/IEC 27001:2022)Certification Status

Applicable division Description of Business Certification(Original Registration Date)
TAIYO INK MFG., CO., LTD. Sales Department (except for Kansai Sales Office) Technical Development Center (except for
Fundamental Technology Department
Intellectual Property Planning Office Section
MID Solutions Section
Fundamental Technology Section
Open Innovation Team
Applied Technology Team
Process Development Department
DF Process Manufacturing Section
Preparation room Process Engineering Center Turugashima
Administration Department Accounting Department TAIYO HOLDINGS CO.,LTD. Information System Department
Development and marketing ISO27001:2023
Jun. 2024
∗As of Sep. 3, 2024

Promotion Structure for Sustainability


The Sustainability Promotion Committee, chaired by the President and CEO, is responsible for the execution of all activities relating to sustainability. The Sustainability Promotion Committee holds discussions laterally across the Group on areas such as progress toward targets set in accordance with important matters, as well as the direction of activities related to sustainability, including climate change and human capital. The committee receives instructions from the Board of Directors concerning priority challenges.

Implemenetation Framework

Implemenetation Framework Implemenetation Framework

Risk Management

The Taiyo Group reassesses risks and opportunities by business several times a year to address short-term, medium-term, and long-term risks and opportunities relating to each business. To perform company-wide risk management on matters relating to sustainability that could have a significant impact, we have built a series of systems that the risk assessed and identified is then addressed by the execution division, and their response is managed and monitored by the Sustainability Promotion Committee and the Board of Directors.

Efforts regarding SDGs

Examples of our major initiatives on SDGs

Our Nucleus and Management Philosophy

Contribution to stable supply and technological innovation

SDGs9 Technological innovation such as development and manufacturing of chemical materials for high value-added electronic componentsPlan to build a manufacturing base for new drugs such as regenerative therapy and gene therapy products

Contribution to stable supply and technological innovation

What We Achieve through our Business

Realization of a decarbonized society

SDGs7 SDGs12 SDGs13 Producing clean energy from floating solar power generationEnergy saving activities by adopting LED

Realization of a decarbonized society

What We Achieve through our Business

Solving food problems and promoting sustainable agriculture

SDGs2 Responding to future food shortages through insect farming, plant factories, etc.

Solving food problems and promoting sustainable agriculture

Continuous efforts to improve the workplace environment

SDGs8 Improving the work environmentEarlier employee stress checks

Continuous efforts to improve the workplace environment

What We Contribute as a Company

Development of Information Service for Agriculture and Natural Conservation

SDGs14 SDGs15 Realization of high value-added information services using satellites and drones

Agriculture and Natural Conservation


SDGs17 Concluded an exclusive endorsement agreement with Ms. Nozomi Okuhara and Mr. Yuro NagaharaParticipated in the Chiplet Integration Platform Consortium


Renewable Energy

The power shortage caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 prompted us to establish Taiyo Green Energy, an energy business company. In 2015, we opened our first solar power plant, the Ranzan floating solar power plant, in Ranzan-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama, Japan. Since then, we have concentrated on advancing the development of floating solar power plants. Floating solar power generation utilizes the surfaces of bodies of water, such as agricultural reservoirs. This use of the surface of water has a cooling effect on the solar panels, which offers the advantage of limiting the reduction in power generation efficiency that results from summer heat, thus ensuring the amount of electric power generated. It also involves less land development and uprooting of vegetation than its ground-based counterparts, which helps with environmental conservation while reducing the burdens borne by municipalities and agricultural companies that own and manage reservoirs. Moving forward, we plan to provide for the expanding energy consumption of our growing group even as we replace energy consumption from gas, kerosene, and other non-electrical sources with energy from renewable sources to help reduce CO2 emissions volume. Furthermore, Taiyo Green Energy will apply the technologies and know-how it has accumulated to help customers and society as a whole make use of renewable energy.

Floating solar power plants owned by Taiyo Holdings Group (as of March 2024)

  • Ranzan Floating Solar Power Plant (Saitama)
  • Ranzan Onuma Floating Solar Power Plant (Saitama)
  • Anazawaike Floating Solar Power Plant (Hyogo)
  • Uozumiike-Kusatani Floating Solar Power Plant (Hyogo)
  • Kobayashiike Floating Solar Power Plant (Nara)
  • Hosoike Floating Solar Power Plant (Gifu)
  • Hayashiike Floating Solar Power Plant (Aichi)
  • Mimayaike Floating Solar Power Plant (Kagawa)
  • Hiraike Floating Solar Power Plant (Gifu)
  • Shijukushinike Floating Solar Power Plant (Mie)
  • Odaike Floating Solar Power Plant (Kagawa)
  • Shirainuma Floating Solar Power Plant (Saitama)
  • Asama Floating Solar Power Plant (Saitama)
  • Chuoike Floating Solar Power Plant (Hyogo)
  • Nishimuroike Floating Solar Power Plant (Nara)
  • Shodaike Floating Solar Power Plant (Osaka)

Outside Evaluations, etc.

The following are outside evaluations of Taiyo Holdings group's activities and initiatives. We believe that the positive efforts of our group have been evaluated from the perspective of sustainability, and we will continue to actively fulfill our social responsibility.

Outside Evaluations, etc.